It's been way too long since I stopped in here. I finished the rewrite and sent the manuscript back to the agent and as yet have heard nothing back. I thought I'd give her until the end of May before sending a polite email to enquire the status of my ms. and whether she's interested in representing it. In the meantime, I've sent out queries to two other agents and I have the manuscript bundled up to send out to a publisher.
I've also been sending out queries to different magazines and to greeting card companies. I've had a few nibbles, a few outright rejections and a few haven't replied at all. There'll be something concrete in the very near future--I'm quite confident on that.
Oh, I did get a contract from eXtasy Books for an erotic novel I wrote as a side story to a medieval fantasy I've been working on for several years. That was a nice development. It had garnered a very nice rejection from one erotica publisher and was accepted by the next one. I'll be sure to announce it to all and sundry when I know the release date. Quite an eclectic selection of writings: one romantic science fiction novel, a young adult murder mystery/ghost story and an erotic novel. Never let it be said I got myself into a rut. I may opt to publish the YA books under another name to separate them from the erotica. I'd hate younger readers to pick up the wrong books.