It's time for me to attempt another blog. I did have one on my webpage but the coding got to be too much of a pain and I don't update as often as I should, so this will suit my needs admirably.
Aspiring Author. Yes. Aren't we all? I'm currently working on a second book in a series which I hope will sell. The manuscript for the first in the series is on its way to an agent who was kind enough to request the entire beast and we'll have to see where it goes from there. Should a rejection letter turn up, then the query letters will recommence in earnest.
I believe I've pretty much exhausted all the venues which will accept email queries or submissions, so the next step will be to fork over postage to mail out hard copies. I'm not keen on that idea because money is always tight and postage, printing, envelopes and so on add up after a while. Still, if I don't make the effort, then I can guarantee that I will never sell any book to a major publisher ever and I'm not quite prepared to give up just yet.
Oh, I admit that I've been lax for the past five years or so. I wasn't driven at that point to seek success, and now I don't know that it's financial success so much that I'm after as the satisfaction of seeing my work out there in the bookstores in general. It's not enough to go into my local library and see my first novel there. It was picked up by a small e-publisher back in 2000 and is now with SynergEbooks and is available in electronic or POD format, but there's that little something that says to me it's not enough. I have a copy in my home. It looks great. It garnered good reviews, but sales are low and I'm not a good promoter. Yet. Something to work on, and again, I'm not quite ready to give up just yet.
So, journey along with me if you wish. I'll be rambling about the process, writing itself, life in general and who knows what else. Pull up a chair, grab a coffee, if you're so inclined, and join me.
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