Monday, October 17, 2011

Open letter to OneMillionMothers from Just One Mum

This is in response to the notion that Chaz Bono's appearance on "Dancing with the Stars" will be confusing to your children. I may use point form here.

** First of all, if you don't like the show, don't watch it.

** If you DO watch it and you let your kids watch, and you don't want them to be confused when they see a man dancing with a woman (Chaz Bono and whoever his partner is), then don't tell them that Chaz used to be Chastity Bono. Your kids probably have never heard of Chaz or Chastity, and probably not Sonny and Cher, for that matter. These people mean nothing to the current generation, any more than Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson mean anything to you, although they were quite the scandal of their day. The ONLY way for your kids to be confused by it all, is for YOU TO TELL THEM. Don't.

** Stop spreading hate and intolerance. I know you think you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and that you're all that and everything, and you feel righteous and all that good shit, but stop and think for a minute, silly Pharisees: who did Jesus spend time with; the righteous, or the sinners? Show me the commandment that says, "Judge everyone in the darkest possible light."

** Calm the fuck down. It's frightened people like you who cause a lot of damage. A cornered, frightened animal is far more dangerous than one that is free. And you are really frightened by anyone different from you. Stop spreading that fear to the next generation.

** Also, stop and think -- the only reason you know about Chaz is because he has chosen to share his story and because he is the child of celebrities. Look around you--who in your town, your neighbourhood, might also be transgendered, only you don't know. If you hadn't seen pictures of Chaz, and met him on the street, you'd never have a clue he had ever been anyone other than who he is. Maybe your minister used to be a woman, maybe the waitress at your favourite restaurant used to be a man. But even if they were, how do their lives, their choices affect you, your life, your choices? Are you that weak, that clueless, that you believe if you are exposed to a transgendered person, or gay or lesbian, or what have you, that you're going to be booking surgery for yourself?

It must be horrible to live life in such utter fear that there is no room to mind your own business and enjoy your own life. If you have to worry about the choices people you will never personally know or meet or live with, when do you have time to worry about your own issues? Leave other people to the God of your understanding. Leave judgement up to him and try to live by the two precepts Jesus said: Love God above all else, and love your neighbour as yourself.

Of course, if you hate yourself, that just opens up a whole new can of worms, doesn't it?

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